Types of Wine Tasting

Wine tasting can be a fun activity to organize for friends and family to have a great time. Wine lovers can also form clubs that meet weekly or monthly to taste and give feedback to the winemakers. Wine tastings are about you enjoying the different flavors and richness of the wines and discovering what you like and building up your taste buds.  

Wine tasting can help you know the different flavors and aromas that you may already like, although it may take a while to master, having a basic understanding can help you go a long way. 

With wine tasting, there is an order that needs to be followed. When you taste different wines, you also have to consider the order in which they are being tasted. Tasting the heavy or sweet wines before the light ones tends to leave a taste in your mouth because they dominate the flavor. 

The five basic steps involved in tasting wine, the color, smell, taste, savor and swirl. 

There are four different types of wine-tasting:

Blind tasting

With this type of wine tasting, you serve the wine to your guests, and they have no idea what type of wine is being served to them. This makes it easy to have an unbiased judgment from the taster about the wine. When there is no idea of the wine, it leaves out the expectation of wine from a geographical area or the price of the wine. 

With the double-blind tasting, the bottles of wine being served will be wrapped in a bag and all are of different varieties and vintages. 


Vertical tasting

Here, the wines given to taste are from the same vintage. You can be given the same wines but from different years. In this type of wine tasting, all the wines would come from the same winery. This helps you to know how the vineyard has been affected by the environment over the years. 

it is always a good idea for you to start with the oldest vintage and continue to the newer vintage. 


Horizontal tasting 

Horizontal wine tasting involves the same wine but from different winemakers. This method is used to help you determine which winery produces the better wine. The wines produced are very similar and from the same year but from different companies. 


Tasting Flights

With this method, the taster has an idea of the specifics and detail of the wine. Placed next to each glass of wine, will be a card containing the type and geographic details of the wine. The taster usually has an idea of the types of wines and how it comes from certain parts of the world. 


When the different factors that can easily act as a bias towards how good a wine is such as a price, color, year of production, reputation, or the region It comes from being cut off, it helps the wine-tasting experience to be fun and the wines are scored accurately. It makes the wine tasting to go smoothly. 

If you are looking for a wine-tasting experience, check out the available tours here.

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