Tube-Friendly Etiquette and Other Practical Tips!

Do you know what are the Tube-Friendly River Etiquette and Other Practical Tips Going? downriver on a tube is a fun and relaxing way to enjoy nature, but it’s important to follow certain rules of etiquette in order to make sure everyone has a good time. Knowing the proper tubing tips and tricks will ensure that you stay safe, respect your fellow river-goers, and have an enjoyable experience. This article will discuss the basics of tube-friendly river etiquette as well as other practical tips for tubing downriver.

From remembering the importance of using lifejackets to following proper floating downriver etiquette rules, these practical tips will help you have an enjoyable time on the water.

Quick Tips for All Tubing:

  • Get a tube with a drink holder.

  • For your own use, don’t use the black tube. They get too hot in the sun. They’re fine for coolers though.

  • Bring a snack. I’m sure you’ll want it about an hour before the trip ends.

  • Always wear sunscreen

  • Leave your flip-flops in your car or tie them up with rope or you’ll lose them on the river. You might want to consider water shoes or sports sandals – the river beds are rocky.

  • If you don’t want something wet, don’t take it. Everything will get wet.

  • If you don’t want to lose something, don’t take it. We see tons of cameras, phones, and sunglasses lost in the river.

  • Make sure you apply it to the entire front of your body. Do you know how your shoulders get sunburned first? When tubing, you lay on your back, so new parts of your body are exposed to sunlight that doesn’t normally get it. Be sure to lather up everywhere.

  • Bring extra sunscreen with you on the trip so you can reapply it.

  • Bring a waterproof camera if you intend to take pictures. Most “waterproof” phone cases aren’t very reliable, so be careful.

  • Don’t bring your phone. You’ll probably lose it. If you do bring your phone, put it in one of those waterproof cases just for good measure.

  • Put everything you don’t want wet in a dry bag.

  • Don’t pollute! Bring a trash bag for your leftovers and other trash.

  • Have a plan for where to eat when you’re done tubing.

  • Have a safe ride home.

  • Bring a hat and sunglasses.

  • No glass containers.

  • No Styrofoam.

  • Stay hydrated! Bring water.

Not following these guidelines can lead to unsafe situations and also damage the environment. Now you already know all the tips, come and book now your tubing trip with us!!

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